We Play 2 Learn
Game Ratings
Young Kids
Older Kids
Players | Playing Time | Best Age | Educational |
2 | 5-15 minutes | 7 - Adult | Deductive Reasoning |
Skill | Luck | Strategy | Social | Game Type | Play Style |
80 | 20% | 70% | 30% | Board/Drawing | Competitive |
Brain Freeze is a fun, fast paced two player game. Provided with only "Yes" or "No" answers, players must determine which of the 100 squares on the board their opponent
has chosen. Games are quick and very addictive, it's not uncommon to play multiple games in a row because someone will always want a rematch. And even better, it's fun for parents
Brain Freeze is a great way to develop logic and deduction. Those two skills are exercised on every move, but in a way that is really fun and engaging. This is a game that should
be in every collection.

How to Play
Official Rules
The official rules are available here. They are well explained including helpful illustrations.
Enhanced Rules
See our Custom Rules section for ideas on how to improve gameplay.
Fast Facts
How many players?
- Playable with 2
- Best with 2
What ages can play?
- Playable for ages 4 to Adult
- Best for ages 7 to Adult
Kids as young as 4 will be able to play this game, but they will not grasp the strategy needed to purposefully eliminate options. This would make luck a much bigger factor in the game and also make it take longer. This is why we suggest 7 and older.
While this is a game that older kids and adults will enjoy, Telepathy is a more advanced version of the game that would be even better for these groups.
Can different skill levels or ages play together?
If each player understands the strategy in eliminating choices then age is not a factor in this game. Younger kids that cannot understand this strategy will not be able to effectively play with older kids and parents that do.
How long does it take to play?
5-15 minutes
Will we get bored after a few games or does it have good replayability?
This game is extremely replayable. It is not uncommon to play 3 or 4 games in a row.
How much work is it?
Setup is simply removing the boards from the box and placing them in their stands. Each board will need to be erased as part of cleanup,
but this does not take long.
Would kids be able to do it on their own?
Younger kids may need help writing the letter and number of their selection on their board, but should have
no problem other than that.
Will parents have fun too...
...when playing with the kids?
Yes, as long as your kids are old enough to grasp the strategy. In that case this is a very fun game for parents.
...without the kids?
Yes, two adults can play this together and enjoy it. However, adults will enjoy Telepathy, the more advanced version, even more.
Educational Value
What skills will this game help develop?
Deductive Reasoning
This game is fantastic in helping to develop deductive reasoning and logic. Players will need to analyze correct and incorrect
guesses and develop a plan to narrow in on the one correct answer.
But will my kids actually have fun playing it?
Yes, the game is fast paced and fun.
Custom Rules
Help players keep track of their guesses
Cross out entire rows and columns for "NO" answers
This is actually mentioned in the official rules as a tip, but we strongly recommend doing this. This is especially helpful
for young or new players, but it will help even experienced players be more effective.
Do you use custom rules we haven't thought of? If you have found some other ways to customize the rules, please share them with us through our Contact page. We're always interested in new ways to improve gameplay.
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