Game Ratings
Players | Playing Time | Best Age | Educational |
2 - 4 | 10-20 minutes | 3 - 8 | Team Problem Solving |
Skill | Luck | Strategy | Social | Game Type | Play Style |
30% | 70% | 50% | 50% | Board/Cards | Cooperative |
The Fairy Game is a good way to introduce young kids to board games. It's a light hearted, fun game with just enough strategy to make it more interesting than most beginner games. It's also cooperative, so all players will be working together to win. This can also be good for young kids that do not yet enjoy the competitive nature of most games.
Developmentally, it can help build team problem solving abilities, but that's not the strength of this game. It's true value lies in the fact it's simple enough for kids as young as four to setup and play on their own, but has just enough strategy to keep them engaged. And it doesn't hurt that many little girls will absolutely love the theme and artwork. But don't worry, our son enjoys playing this one too.

How to Play
Official Rules
The official rules are available here. The rules are well explained, including helpful illustrations.
Enhanced Rules
This is not a game that will require much customization as the difficulty seems appropriate for the age and it plays quickly. However, we do have some suggestions in our Custom Rules section for those that feel the difficulty level may be a little too hard for young kids.
Fast Facts
How many players?
- Playable with 2-4
- Best with 2-4
What ages can play?
- Playable for ages 3 to Adult
- Best for ages 3 to 8
Can different skill levels or ages play together?
Yes, this game is both cooperative and luck based.
How long does it take to play?
10 - 20 minutes
Will we get bored after playing it a few times or does the game have good replayability?
Considering this is a game that can be played by a 3 year old, this game has fairly good replayability. Each game will be a little different because luck is such a big factor.
How much work is it?
Very low. We suggest using baggies to keep the different kinds of cards separated to make it even easier.
Would kids be able to do it on their own?
Yes, our 4 and 5 year olds have setup and played this game all on their own.
Will parents have fun too...
...when playing with the kids?
This is definitely a more tolerable game for parents than many others games young kids can play. However, it will not be as enjoyable
as a game like Sleeping Queens for parents.
...without the kids?
No, this is not a game for adults only.
Educational Value
What skills will this game help develop?
Team Problem Solving
While this game is mostly luck based, there is a stategic element that will require the players work together. There will be times throughout
the game when a player could make a couple different moves. This is when the team can discuss which would work best considering the cards everyone else has to play on the turns to come.
But will my kids actually have fun playing it?
Custom Rules
To make the game easier
Require more snowflakes on a flower for Mr Winter to win
It likely will not be required to make the game easier as the difficulty seems appropriate for the age level. The high degree of luck in this game does
mean the players will lose some games even with good strategy, but this should not be the case on a regular basis. However, for very young players new to the game it may be helpful to modify the rules to require
5 snowflakes on a single flower to lose. This will not affect the style of play at all.
Do you use custom rules we haven't thought of? If you have found some other ways to customize the rules, please share them with us through our Contact page. We're always interested in new ways to improve gameplay.
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